All ready for a new edition of the Cervera Easter Festival

All ready for a new edition of the Cervera Easter Festival

The city has already prepared the spaces that, of the 21 al 30 March, they will host the concerts and the various parallel activities·leles of the 14th Easter Festival, the contest dedicated to Catalan classical music.

This year it has been scheduled 10 different musical productions that are specified in a total of 14 concerts. Catalan musical traditions and the fact of giving prominence to our country's composers and performers, will be the main axes of the programming. This way, the Festival will focus on two personalities of our music: the composers Ricard Lamote de Grignon (125th anniversary of his birth) and very especially Josep Valls i Royo (25th anniversary of his death), exiled to France on 1939 and that he never lived in Catalonia again.

An extensive and varied program with great concerts

Like every year, el Festival divideix the programming en dues setmanes consecutives.

In the first week, three concerts have been scheduled. The Festival will start on 21 of March with the traditional school concert, which will be in charge of LleidArt Ensemble with "The adventures of the Bol and the Ling". Tal com afirma Jordi Armengol, director artístic del Festival, aquesta actuació “vol atansar la música als més petits i que es converteixin en el nou públic del festival del futur”.

El concert inaugural tindrà lloc dissabte 23 March, the Auditorium of the University, amb l’Orquestra Simfònica Julià Carbonell de les Terres de Lleida dirigida per Salvador Brotons. La “Simfonia a tota orquestra” de Francesc Andreví, compositor segarrenc nascut el 1786, obrirà un concert on el Festival tindrà el privilegi de gaudir de nou de la visita de Salvador Brotons, one of the most recognized composers and directors. Will complete the program, a rereading of Lamote de Grignon on Father Antoni Soler, a premiere work by Marc Migó and "Symphony n.3" by Brotons himself, work full of contrasts, colors and expressiveness.

The next day, 24 March, the percussionist Núria Andorrà will surprise us with her show "Nu.A". It is a hypnotic and interdisciplinary show where Núria seeks to get closer to her origins by using family bones as percussion instruments, slates from the Lleida Pyrenees and ceramics from Verdú.

The following week, will resume with a new concert on Thursday 28 March. It will be in charge of Arnau Tomàs (cello) and Mercè Hervada (Pianist) and will be dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the death of Josep Valls i Royo.

Friday, 29 March, this year's local concerts will be premiered. These are short performances that take place in spaces in the old town of Cervera and that are repeated 2 cops (a session at 11,30 hours and the other at 13 hours). This way, the public can attend both musical productions (first one and then the other, in the order you prefer). The Municipal Auditorium will host Albert Guinovart's concert with "El piano català. Three different poetics". At the same times, but at Casa Sabater on Carrer Major, Blooming Duo will present "New sounds for tradition". To close the day on Friday, the evening concert will be performed by the National Youth Choir of Catalonia directed by Mireia Barrera with "The wealth of Catalan choral music".

Saturday, 30 March, it will be the last day of the Festival and it will also start with local concerts. The Auditorium will host "Resonances of silence" with Sílvia Vidal (piano) and Ramon Humet (bol tibetan, quartz bowls and gong). In the same hours, in other words that is, them 11,30 and the 13 hours, but in the Church of Sant Joan, els Dichos Diabolos ens aproparan a “Nigra Sum. Music for the Virgin of Montserrat”.

To close the day and also this year's Festival, the Paranimf will host an evening concert directed by Xavier Puig with Marta Bonet (soprano), Martha Infante, (mezzo-soprano), David Alegret (tenor), Jordi Serrano (baritone), the Chamber Choir of the Enric Granados Auditorium in Lleida and the Terrassa Orchestra 48. The concert will be dedicated to "Francesc Andreví and Ramon Carnicer: two people from Lleida in Madrid".

Les activitats paral·leles completaran la programació d’enguany

A més de la programació musical, el Festival també acollirà diverses activitats paral·leles. Of the 22 al 30 de març es podrà veure a l’Auditori l’exposició “Alícia de Larrocha, 1923-2023”. La mostra està comissariada per la seva filla, Alícia Torra de Larrocha.

Friday, 22 March, tindrà lloc la projecció del documental “Revolutionary Quartet. L’enigma Gerhard”dirigit per Josep Badell i Xavier Bosch.

The next day, Saturday, 23 March, Raül Garrigasait (escriptor i hel·lenista) protagonitzarà la conferència: “Mompou i Gerhard, els dos camins de la modernitat”.

Wednesday, 27 March, tindrà lloc el Concert – presentació del llibre “La viola tenor Parramon” amb Emmanuel Balssa (viola tenor), Daniel Blanch (piano), Jordi Pinto (author of the book), Pere-Andreu Jariod (journalist and music popularizer).

I, finally, Friday 29 March, es projectarà el documental “Les mans d’Alícia”, una obra audiovisual sobre Alícia de Larrocha i que està dirigida per Verònica Font i Yolanda Olmos.

Cal recordar que totes aquestes activitats seran gratuïtes.

Les entrades anticipades pel Festival d’enguany ja estan a la venda

Ja s’ha activat el sistema de venda d’entrades anticipades per a aquesta 14a edició. Tots els interessats en la música clàssica catalana que vulguin gaudir dels 14 concerts scheduled in this year's contest, they can now purchase their seats through the web:

As usual, i per premiar als usuaris més primerencs, les entrades anticipades gaudeixen d’un 20% discount. En els concerts de vespre, es passa dels 18 euros dels a taquilla, as 14 euros si es fa la compra anticipada pel web. As usual, es poden adquirir de forma anticipada les entrades pels concerts de matí per només 6 euros.

El Festival amplia la seva política de descomptes i avantatges amb nous abonaments

In each edition, s’implementen noves formes de descomptes i avantatges per fer arribar la música clàssica catalana a un públic encara més ampli. This year, s’amplien els abonaments i les bonificacions.

This way, those interested in attending more than one concert can choose to purchase a pass that will allow them to see all the concerts in the event for just 70 euros, which supposes a 40% discount. There are also specific tickets to enjoy the evening concerts for only 55 euros. Els concerts de proximitat també tenen el seu propi abonament, which allows you to enjoy two different concerts for yourself 10 euros.

El Festival també segueix amb els acords amb diverses entitats i organitzacions com el Carnet Jove, the TRESC Club and various media, others, to offer discounts among its subscribers.

They also enjoy significant bonuses in col·"Appropa Cultura" class, the majors of 65 years and single-parent and/or large families. The different discount options (early entry or through these rebates with media entities or subscribers) they are not cumulative with each other.

Impuls per apropar la música clàssica als més joves

With the desire to bring Catalan classical music to all levels of society, the Easter Festival also follows a special focus on the young. For this reason, the evening concerts will have a price of only 6 euros for minors 18 years and of 2 euros in the case of morning concerts.

The Easter Festival, organized by the Town Council of Cervera, is a meeting point for the sector of classical music in Catalonia and a showcase of classical music in Catalonia.

Cervera has everything ready for a new edition of the Passion

Cervera has everything ready for a new edition of the Passion

La Passió de Cervera premieres a new season next Sunday 17 of March of 2024. Among the novelties this year, the expansion of the artistic direction stands out, the renewal of the scenes of the third act to gain more rhythm, and the improvement and modernization of the il·lighting.

Last weekend he held the dress rehearsal to have everything ready for the start of a new season, which has several novelties.

Like every year, the La Passió team is working hard to implement improvements and this year has focused on continuing to gain dynamism and spectacularity, in a classic work of such magnitude and historical relevance.

For this reason, this 2024 the artistic direction is expanded with 5 members: Tate Bonjoch joins, Jaume Mercadé and Jaume Rossich, who join Gemma Palà and Mariona Dalmases. This way, the various directors will distribute functions in the artistic and technical section to be able to give more detail to the scenes in all scenic areas.

Another key point of this edition is the commitment to renew and improve a large amount of technical material, especially regarding the il·lighting.

New characters will also be added and work is being done on revitalizing the third part of the play. In this way, since two years ago, The management of La Passió has made an effort to give more dynamism to the performance and significant renovations and improvements have already been made in the first and second parts. now, work is already underway on the third and last to leave the entire function completed and modernized.

Advance tickets are now available

Advance tickets can be purchased through the official website ( The representations of 2024 they start the 17 of March and there will also be functions on the days 23 i 29 after the pandemic shutdown 6, 13 i 20 d'April 2024.

The Passion of Cervera is one of the most crowded and oldest performances in Catalonia, since its history goes back to the year 1477, After a two-year stoppage due to the pandemic. The Passion counts in its performances with a large number of actors and actresses who bring the different characters to life and who, total, comes to mobilize more than 300 people between artistic and technical team.

The Passion of Cervera, a European benchmark

"The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century, "The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century 1477. "The functions are adapted to the new ways of seeing culture in the 21st century, l’any 1969, the performances of La Passió de Cervera were declared of public interest.

Information and image provided by the Patronat de la Passion.

Commemoration of International Women

Commemoration of International Women's Day in Cervera

The Paeria de Cervera organizes different activities, between days 4 i 15 March, with the aim of giving visibility to women and claiming gender equality.

The starting shot will beexhibition "Mercè Pàniker and Alemany. A life of entrepreneurship and feminism", which can be visited from 4 al 15 of March in the lobby of the Paeria.
Thank you Paniker (Barcelona, 1920 – 2012) she was a pioneer in Catalonia as a businesswoman and defender of women's rights.

This year, un dels actes destacats és la cantata “Dona la note – equal people”, with the participation of students from the three schools of Cervera.
The initiative, which starts from an educational project of the Pau Casals Learning Camp, aims to assess the importance of music in the education of children. Invite the students to go out and sing in the squares to make their voices heard. This time, to claim gender equality.
To Cervera, the cantata will be performed on Friday 8 March, them 11 hours, in the main square. It will be in charge of more than a hundred 3rd grade students from the three schools in the city.

Act followed, them 12 hours, hi haurà la reading the manifesto amb motiu del 8M. It will be in charge of the father in chief, Jan Pomés, and the Councilor for Equality, Judit Guim.

L’Espai Jove el Racó organitza la Late Lilac, from 17 a 19 hours, which foresees participatory activities, workshops, games, music and a shared snack. The initiative aims to celebrate and recognize the diversity and contributions of women.

In addition to the planned actions on Friday 8 March, other proposals have been organized the days before and after.

On Thursday 7 hi haurà sports activities, open to all citizens and free of charge, at CEM Cervera; on Saturday 9, the roundtable “Dones amb empenta”, at CEI Cervera, where women entrepreneurs will explain their experiences; and Sunday 10, the guided tour “Dones tan importants com desconegudes”, by the interpreter of the Cerver heritage Laia Pipó.

This year, as a novelty, en aquestes tres activitats s’oferirà un care service. It is a babysitting service for children from 3 a 12 years free, by qualified professionals. It aims to facilitate the participation of families in the activities, especially women, to whom the care work is mostly attributed.

Les inscripcions al servei es poden formalitzar a través del following form.

The Paeria de Cervera aims to encourage participation in all activities and invites the public to attend and make the demands of the 8M their own.

According to the Councilor for Equality, Judit Guim, "it is essential to make the contributions and work of women visible on 8M and the rest of the year, to be able to reach a more egalitarian society. As an institution, our obligation is to fight against oppression and inequality".

Consulteu el cartell amb la La Tal Company will offer the show “Carilló”.

Marta Cortizas, proclaimed best sommelier in Catalonia 2024 at the competition held in Cervera

Marta Cortizas, proclaimed best sommelier in Catalonia 2024 at the competition held in Cervera

The sommelier at the Celler de Can Roca in Girona, Marta Cortizas, she was crowned as the best in Catalonia after the competition that took place yesterday at the University of Cervera, amb proves al matí a l’Antiga Biblioteca i la final amb tres aspirants a la tarda al Paranimf.

Anna Casabona, delegada comercial de Juvé & Camps de Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, i Christian Betoret, de Mas de la Sala de Sallent, han estat segona i tercer classificats, respectively.

The Catalan Association of Sommeliers (ACS) va fer públic el resultat durant el Sopar de Gala de la Nit del Sommelier, que va acollir anit el restaurant Els Comdals de Vergós.
L’ACS va comptar amb la col·laboració en aquesta edició de la Paeria de Cervera, el Patronat de Promoció Econòmica de la Diputació de Lleida, la Denominació d’Origen Costers del Segre i l’Escola d’Hoteleria i Turisme de Lleida, among others.

Durant la vetllada també es van entregar els Premis que cada any s’escullen per votació dels socis i sòcies de l’entitat. Els guanyadors d’enguany d’aquests guardons són: Premi trajectòria, Tomàs Cusiné; Millor comunicadora, Amaya Cervera; Best Initiative in the world of wine, Fundació El Llindar; Best wine tourism offer, Celler Mas Llunes; and Best room, Restaurant Divinum de Girona; mentre que el Mag Lari ha estat nomenat Soci d’Honor de l’ACS.

La Universitat de Cervera, seu del concurs

They participated: Paula Cuenda (restaurant Vraba de Barcelona), Toni Trullols (amb experiència en diferents restaurants), Enric Santisteban (Vinseum de Vilafranca del Penedès), Marta Cortizas (restaurant Can Roca de Girona), Gregori Albareda (vinoteca Vinicia de Lleida), Cyril Vermeulen (restaurant Can Roca de Girona), Alain Salamano (en preparació d’obertura d’un nou projecte), Chus Brion (formadora i comercial a Barcelona), Marc Niubó (cava Miquel Pons i Font de Vi de la Granada del Penedès), Laia Vico (Viavi Vinoteca de Vilanova i la Geltrú), Christian Betoret (restaurant Mas de la Sala de Sallent), i Anna Casabona (Juvé & Camps).

Tots els aspirants es van enfrontar a un examen teòric de 60 questions; comentar per escrit un tast a cegues de dos vins, un dels dos en llegua estrangera; i una altra prova de caràcter comercial. Només tres participants van passar a la final de la tarda on les proves van ser de caràcter pràctic i la seva resolució o defensa es va fer de manera oral davant un jurat professional. Una prova de servei; la decantació d’una ampolla de vi; el tast comentat de dos vins i identificació de tres productes, la correcció d’una carta de vins errònia; o la presa de comanda i maridatge d’un servei figurat, van ser alguns dels reptes que els finalistes van haver de superar.
and they combine remembering the historical beauty of the great old paper sets that are still preserved in some scenes, en una final carregada d’emoció i pressió, davant el jurat i el públic que es va congregar al Paranimf de la Universitat de Cervera from the 15 hours.

El Jurat Professional estava format per: Anna Vicens, presidenta de l’ACS; Josep Pelegrín, docent i Millor Sommelier de Catalunya 2014 i 2015; i Millor Sommelier d’Espanya 2016; Sandra Barrachina, sommelier i propietària del restaurant la Cabana d’en Geli; Ferran Vila, Millor Sommelier de Catalunya 2018 i Millor Sommelier d’Espanya 2022; Ester Rocaginé, sommelier de l’empresa d’experiències Cal Agneta de Cervera; Carles Aymerich, Millor Sommelier d’Espanya 2009 i Semifinalista al Millor Sommelier del Món l’any 2010; i Juanjo Ceresuela, sommelier del restaurant Nobadis de Cervera.

L’organització, l’Associació Catalana de Sommeliers (ACS), va valorar de manera molt positiva els espais escollits per al concurs d’aquest any, l’Antiga Biblioteca i el Paranimf de la Universitat de Cervera, que van lluir per a l’ocasió.
Des de la Regidoria de Turisme es destaca que l’esdeveniment ha posat en valor el patrimoni monumental i ha donat a conèixer els recursos turístics de Cervera a professionals de tot Catalunya.

The chief paer, Jan Pomés, and the Councilor for Tourism, van assistir a la final i a la gala de lliurament dels premis.

Dinner and Sommelier Night

all of them so significant to this genre of artistic song, el restaurant Els Comdals va acollir la Nit del Sommelier amb una mostra i degustació de vins amb 22 cellers de la DO Costers del Segre i un Sopar de Maridatge amb productes quilòmetre zero i elaborat a divuit mans per nou xefs lleidatans.
Els restauradors participants van ser: Jesús Gimena (The Spark of Lleida), Sergi Ortiz (Old Brewery Oven), Francis Molins (Call Xirricló de Balaguer), Ignasi Bustamante and Adrián Zahino (The Celler Montsonís), Angel Segura (The Comdals of Cervera), Albert Marimón (The Tàrrega Quarry), Sergi Aritzeta (The Trick of Agramunt ), Gonzalo Ferreruela (Ferreruela, Lleida), Juanjo Ceresuela (Nobadis de Cervera).

Informació i imatges aportat per l’Associació Catalana de Sommeliers.

The Easter Festival puts advance tickets and season tickets on sale

The Easter Festival puts advance tickets and season tickets on sale

The contest dedicated to Catalan classical music, which will take place 21 al 30 March, inicia la venda d’entrades anticipades, amb més d’un 20% discount, and subscriptions to enjoy all the concerts with a discount of 40%.

El Festival amplia la seva política de descomptes i avantatges amb nous abonaments

In each edition, s’implementen noves formes de descomptes i avantatges per fer arribar la música clàssica catalana a un públic encara més ampli. This year, s’amplien els abonaments i les bonificacions.
This way, els interessats a assistir a més d’un concert poden escollir l’adquisició d’un abonament que els permetrà veure tots els concerts del certamen per només 70 euros, la qual cosa suposa un 40% discount. There are also specific tickets to enjoy the evening concerts for only 55 euros. The morning concerts also have their own ticket, which allows you to enjoy two different concerts for yourself 10 euros.

El Festival també segueix amb els acords amb diverses entitats i organitzacions com el Carnet Jove, the TRESC Club and various media, others, to offer discounts among its subscribers.

They also enjoy significant bonuses in col·"Appropa Cultura" class, the majors of 65 years and single-parent and/or large families. The different discount options (early entry or through these rebates with media entities or subscribers) they are not cumulative with each other.

Impuls per apropar la música clàssica als més joves

With the desire to bring Catalan classical music to all levels of society, the Easter Festival also follows a special focus on the young. For this reason, the evening concerts will have a price of only 6 euros for minors 18 years and of 2 euros in the case of morning concerts.
The reference contest for Catalan classical music will take place on 21 al 30 of March with 10 different musical productions that will be specified in 14 concerts. Besides, several parallel activities will also take place·leles in the form of documentary screenings, a conference, an exhibition and a concert-presentation of a book.

The Easter Festival, organized by the Town Council of Cervera, is a meeting point for the sector of classical music in Catalonia and a showcase of classical music in Catalonia.