The Department of Digital Policies has implemented a new online option that allows the management of reservations and ticket sales, access control and follow-up of real-time attendance at events organized by the Paeria de Cervera.


The system is developed by the company + access, who has offered a training session to Paeria technicians, in which the Councilor for Digital Policies also took part, Roser Segura.

The tool is managed directly from the Paeria, which can register and track events.

Permet controlar en temps real l’aforament, the number of family groups and the number of people attending each event, which facilitates compliance with public health regulations arising from the situation caused by Covid-19.

Once the event is created, anyone (a family group) can register. Aquesta persona rebrà una entrada en format QR que li facilitarà l’accés al recinte de l’esdeveniment. A través d’una app disponible a Google Play i App Store s’escanejarà ràpidament un codi QR per fer-ne la validació d’assistència.

The QR code contains all the information related to the event and the personal data of the person or group of people who bought or registered the tickets., which makes it a secure and fast system.