The Aquelarre de Cervera has released the poster for this year's party, which will be held between the days 25 i 27 d'agost. The author is the designer Neu Sociats Razquin from Segarra, which has created a poster with a clear prominence for fire.

The design prioritizes the image of a hand that has the ability to control fire and that symbolizes feeling, the pride and desire to share the party that all people from Cervera have.

Sociats explains that "the most earthly part is represented through the hand, referring to all those people faithful to the Aquelarre i, through the fire, it connects with the more esoteric side, magical and emotional party".

New Razquin Associates, born in the center of Sant Pere dels Arquells ago 28 years, took on the challenge of designing the poster with il·hope, passion and pride. Associates, who has participated in the party since he was young as a faithful audience, she has an outstanding career as a professional designer and has participated in different projects.