The contest dedicated to Catalan classical music, which will take place 21 al 30 March, inicia la venda d’entrades anticipades, amb més d’un 20% discount, and subscriptions to enjoy all the concerts with a discount of 40%.

El Festival amplia la seva política de descomptes i avantatges amb nous abonaments

In each edition, s’implementen noves formes de descomptes i avantatges per fer arribar la música clàssica catalana a un públic encara més ampli. This year, s’amplien els abonaments i les bonificacions.
This way, els interessats a assistir a més d’un concert poden escollir l’adquisició d’un abonament que els permetrà veure tots els concerts del certamen per només 70 euros, la qual cosa suposa un 40% discount. There are also specific tickets to enjoy the evening concerts for only 55 euros. The morning concerts also have their own ticket, which allows you to enjoy two different concerts for yourself 10 euros.

El Festival també segueix amb els acords amb diverses entitats i organitzacions com el Carnet Jove, the TRESC Club and various media, others, to offer discounts among its subscribers.

They also enjoy significant bonuses in col·"Appropa Cultura" class, the majors of 65 years and single-parent and/or large families. The different discount options (early entry or through these rebates with media entities or subscribers) they are not cumulative with each other.

Impuls per apropar la música clàssica als més joves

With the desire to bring Catalan classical music to all levels of society, the Easter Festival also follows a special focus on the young. For this reason, the evening concerts will have a price of only 6 euros for minors 18 years and of 2 euros in the case of morning concerts.
The reference contest for Catalan classical music will take place on 21 al 30 of March with 10 different musical productions that will be specified in 14 concerts. Besides, several parallel activities will also take place·leles in the form of documentary screenings, a conference, an exhibition and a concert-presentation of a book.

The Easter Festival, organized by the Town Council of Cervera, is a meeting point for the sector of classical music in Catalonia and a showcase of classical music in Catalonia.