Of the 20 al 27 March can vote monumental Cervera as "Monument favorite of the Catalans in 2019", an initiative of the magazine historical information Sàpiens, the Catalan Cultural Heritage Department of Culture and Radio Catalonia.

the competition, now in its fourth edition, organized with the aim of highlighting the rich heritage of the country. The monument favorite Catalonia is chosen by popular vote among the twelve finalists. One of the proposals is monumental Cervera.

Cervera highlighted by a rich heritage, Until 11 Cultural monuments are of national interest for its historical value, artistic and architectural: The original castle (s. XI), Romanesque church of Sant Pere Gros (s. XI), the walls (s. XIV), the historical (Main street, Witches alley…), the parish church of Santa Maria (s. XIV-XV), the building of the Town Council (s. XVII-XVIII), the historic University (s. XVIII), the modernist building of the Union (s. XX) castles and nuclei aggregates Castellnou, Despite the Prenyanosa and.

You can vote and continue the development of the competition web sapiens.cat/monumentfavorit and social networks, especially Twitter, with tag #monumentCat.
to vote, you must register the web sapiens.cat/monumentfavorit. You can cast one vote each hour, and more vote, you will have more options to win some of the prizes drawn every week.