The Paeria de Cervera organizes different activities, between days 4 i 15 March, with the aim of giving visibility to women and claiming gender equality.

The starting shot will beexhibition "Mercè Pàniker and Alemany. A life of entrepreneurship and feminism", which can be visited from 4 al 15 of March in the lobby of the Paeria.
Thank you Paniker (Barcelona, 1920 – 2012) she was a pioneer in Catalonia as a businesswoman and defender of women's rights.

This year, un dels actes destacats és la cantata “Dona la note – equal people”, with the participation of students from the three schools of Cervera.
The initiative, which starts from an educational project of the Pau Casals Learning Camp, aims to assess the importance of music in the education of children. Invite the students to go out and sing in the squares to make their voices heard. This time, to claim gender equality.
To Cervera, the cantata will be performed on Friday 8 March, them 11 hours, in the main square. It will be in charge of more than a hundred 3rd grade students from the three schools in the city.

Act followed, them 12 hours, hi haurà la reading the manifesto amb motiu del 8M. It will be in charge of the father in chief, Jan Pomés, and the Councilor for Equality, Judit Guim.

L’Espai Jove el Racó organitza la Late Lilac, from 17 a 19 hours, which foresees participatory activities, workshops, games, music and a shared snack. The initiative aims to celebrate and recognize the diversity and contributions of women.

In addition to the planned actions on Friday 8 March, other proposals have been organized the days before and after.

On Thursday 7 hi haurà sports activities, open to all citizens and free of charge, at CEM Cervera; on Saturday 9, the roundtable “Dones amb empenta”, at CEI Cervera, where women entrepreneurs will explain their experiences; and Sunday 10, the guided tour “Dones tan importants com desconegudes”, by the interpreter of the Cerver heritage Laia Pipó.

This year, as a novelty, en aquestes tres activitats s’oferirà un care service. It is a babysitting service for children from 3 a 12 years free, by qualified professionals. It aims to facilitate the participation of families in the activities, especially women, to whom the care work is mostly attributed.

Les inscripcions al servei es poden formalitzar a través del following form.

The Paeria de Cervera aims to encourage participation in all activities and invites the public to attend and make the demands of the 8M their own.

According to the Councilor for Equality, Judit Guim, "it is essential to make the contributions and work of women visible on 8M and the rest of the year, to be able to reach a more egalitarian society. As an institution, our obligation is to fight against oppression and inequality".

Consulteu el cartell amb la La Tal Company will offer the show “Carilló”.