The Great Night of Catalan Cinema, A ceremony broadcast live on TV3 on Saturday 18 January, included a connection with the city of Cervera to announce the special public prize for the best·movie of the year.
The announcement was a gag, recorded in false direct, in which the presenter, Mònica Terribas, was in the University of Cervera Square and later appeared in the gala, In a "broom" transfer, In reference to the witches of the popular Cerverina de l'Aquelarre party.
Journalist Mònica Terribas announced the Special Public Award, granted by popular vote, TO THE PEL·Filter “The 47”.
Introduction from Cervera.
Delivery of the guard.
Been the first time, in them 17 Gaudí Awards Editions, that one of the awards is announced in a decentralized manner. The chosen city has been Cervera, in an action that has had a great media impact for the city.
The Paeria de Cervera has col·worked with the Academy of the Catalan Cinema as a sample of commitment to Catalan culture, in a year of record for cinema in Catalan. Fruit of this cabbage·collaboration, The gala connected with Cervera and the previous promotional spot was shot at the Casa Museum Duran i Sanpere.
It has been a commitment to the Paeria for the tourist and economic promotion of the municipality and the Cervera brand throughout Catalonia.
TV3 news: The House Museum Duran i Sanpere, A jewel of Cervera that takes center stage for the Gaudí Awards.
The chief paer, Jan Pomés, and councilors Ramon Augé, Antonio Delgado, Judith Guim, Montse Closa and Carolina Garci'a enjoyed the gala live, held at the CCIB Auditorium, and Barcelona.
Jan Pomés met with the president of the Academy of the Catalan Cinema, Judith Colell, to whom he could congratulate the success of Catalan gala and cinema, in a year of record of public and production of the·clinge in our language.
Neus Ballús 2025
Better for·film: He 47. Directed by Marcel Barrena, I excluded for Marcel Barrena I Alberto Marini, and produced by Laura Fernández Espeso and Javier Méndez.
Better for·film in a non-Catalan language: Dust will be. Directed Per Carlos Marques-Marcet; written by Carlos Marques-Marcet, Clara Roquet I Coral Cruz, and produced by Tono Folguera, Ariadna Dot, Giovanni Pompili, David Epiney i Eugenia Mumenthaler.
Better for·Documentary: Diary of my sextorsion. Directed and written by Patricia Franquesa, and produced by Patricia Franquesa and Mireia Graell Vivancos.
Better for·introduced the multi-award-winning by: Black butterflies. Directed Per David Baute, written per andiza berrocal, and produced by Edmon Roch, David built, Marc know, César Zelada, Mountains Mountains and Xavier Romero.
Better direction: Skin Lacist Is Second prize
Best direction Novella: Celia Giraldo for A common place.
Best original script: Eduard Solo Per House in Flames
Best adapted script: Mar coll the Valentina face for Save Maria
Best female protagonist: Emma Vilarasau for House in Flames
Best male protagonist: Eduard Fernández Per He 47
Better revelation interpretation: Laura Weissmahr per Save Maria
Best secondary actressia: Clara Safe Per He 47
Better secondary actor: Enric Auquer for House in Flames
Best short film: The prince. Directed and written by Alex Sardà, and produced by Carlota Coloma, Hadrian Lahuerta, Marta Cruañas and Xavi Vara.
Best production direction: Carlos Apolinario Per He 47
Best art direction: Laia Ateca Per Dust will be
Best assembly: Chiara Dainese for Dust will be
Best original music: Maria Arnal for Dust will be
Better picture: TAKURO TAKEUCHI PER Second prize
Best wardrobe: Olga Rodal I Irantzu Ortiz per He 47
Better sound: Diana Sagrista, Alejandro Castillo, Evali Valiño I Antonin Dalmasso for Second prize
Best visual effects: Laura Canals I Iván López Hernández Per He 47
Best makeup and hairdressing: Karol Tornaria Per He 47
Better for·European: Anatomy of a fall. Dream for Justine Triet, escrita per Justine Triet i Arthur Harari, I produce per Marie-Ange Luciani.
Special public prize for the best for the·film: He 47. Directed by Marcel Barrena, I excluded for Marcel Barrena I Alberto Marini, and produced by Laura Fernández Espeso and Javier Méndez.