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14at the Ethnographic Film Festival of Catalonia

13/12/2024| 19:00 - 20:00

"Associationism and cooperativism"

Screening of the documentary "Athenians: seed of freedom"

This documentary narrates the contribution made by the Athenes to the construction of Catalan society in the last two centuries. The aim is to highlight the magnitude of the Athenian movement and the role it has played in the maintenance and promotion of Catalan culture.
production: Nosotros productions and Federation of Universities of Catalonia
Direction: Sergi Sandúa
60’. Any 2019

Right after, them 20 h:
Col. table·to speak "The Workers' Training Center of the Republican Union. Passat, present and future"

With the participation of members of the boards of the Workers' Center over the years 1980 until the present day, led by Jordi Soldevila and Roig, historian.
Soldevila will introduce the table with a brief contextualization of the republican associative Cervera of the first decades of the 20th century.

organized by: Cervera Workers' Center and Cervera Museum

place: Cervera Worker's Centre


19:00 - 20:00